Declaração de garantia
TELEFONE: 1-844-465-6283
Por favor, indique no cabeçalho do seu e-mail o assunto "GARANTIA"
9049 Commercial St. Suite 118
New Minas, NS, Canadá B4N 3E3
All Ma Mates® Ltd. warrants that all equipment listed on the following pages shall be free of defects in material or workmanship, from original date of service. This warranty coverage only applies to all equipment that have been properly assembled and properly maintained and used in the recommended applications.
All non-recommended applications must receive written approval from All Ma Mates® Ltd. in order to be covered under this warranty. The terms and coverages in this warranty document apply only to all original purchasers.
- Do not destroy parts being considered for warranty. All parts in question must be returned to All Ma Mates® for evaluation. Returned warranty parts must be returned to All Ma Mates® Ltd. within 45 days for timely processing of the warranty claim. Failure to return such parts may result in partial or complete loss of warranty coverage.
- Parts requested to be returned under warranty must be accompanied by a warranty claim number issued by the All Ma Mates® Ltd. warranty department
- Freight charges will be reimbursed if the returned parts are found defective or not functioning. Parts returned under a warranty claim number must be sent prepaid.
- Product returned to All Ma Mates® Ltd. under this warranty shall become the property of All Ma Mates® Ltd.
CONDIÇÕES: Warranty is subject to certain conditions, exclusions and limitations. All Ma Mates® Ltd. reserves the right to reject a warranty claim for any or all of the following reasons.
- Componentes ou peças originais solicitados para devolução não foram devolvidos para inspeção.
- Produto inspecionado não comprova a reclamação ou indica uma falha.
- Acidente, incêndio, inundação ou outra calamidade.
- Uso indevido ou negligência, incluindo, mas não se limitando a, sobrecarga.
- Falta de manutenção razoável e adequada.
- Modification to a specific component part, not performed by All Ma Mates® Ltd.
The liability of All Ma Mated™ Ltd. under this warranty is limited solely to the repair or replacement of defective material or workmanship by an authorized party. If an item or subject is not listed within this Comprehensive Warranty Statement publication, then it is not covered by All Ma Mates® Ltd. warranty coverage.
BrakeMate® | 3 anos a partir da data da compra |
DrumMate™ | 3 anos a partir da data da compra |
HR Splitter Mate™ | 2 anos a partir da data da compra |
RotorMate® | 2 anos a partir da data da compra |
NutMate™ | 2 anos a partir da data da compra |
StudMate™ | 1 ano a partir da data da compra |